Early Intervention Programme / 早期干预

WeiSheng went for an early intervention programme today.

First stage, doctor gave him a massage. Look at his expression and you will know that it is a good and comfortable feeling.

Foot Massage / 脚底按摩
Foot Massage / 脚底按摩

WeiSheng hurting as the doctor put pressure on his acupuncture point.

Acupuncture point / 按到穴位
Acupuncture point / 按到穴位

After massage, it is time for exercise. We all live in a stressful world, exercise will help relive stress.

Exercise Time / 做体操
Exercise Time / 做体操

WeiSheng wants to ask the doctor is this therapy can help him grow taller. He does not want to be short like his father.
多多问医生,做完了这个项目真的可以长高吗??? 多多不想像爸爸这么矮。

Question for Doctor / 问医生
Question for Doctor / 问医生

Stretch WeiSheng’s legs to make him taller.

Stretching Legs / 伸脚
Stretching Legs / 伸脚

Ooohhh, this is not an illusion! WeiSheng has grown taller!!! Check out his expression.

Grown Taller / 长高了
Grown Taller / 长高了

Guess what WeiSheng is going to do next.

Guess What / 猜猜
Guess What / 猜猜

Guess Again!!! / 再猜!!!

Guess Again!!! / 再猜!!!
Guess Again!!! / 再猜!!!

WeiSheng is doing sit ups!!!

Sit Ups / 仰卧起坐
Sit Ups / 仰卧起坐

Seems like WeiSheng’s tummy has become smaller!!!

Smaller Tummy!!! / 肚腩小了!!!
Smaller Tummy!!! / 肚腩小了!!!

WeiSheng’s tummy is still too big. His eye balls are falling out!!!

Eye Balls Gonna Fall Out / 眼球要掉出来
Eye Balls Gonna Fall Out / 眼球要掉出来

An immediate relived after laying down. WeiSheng has to fully open his mouth. Otherwise, all the air wouldn’t come out!!!

Relived / 解放了
Relived / 解放了

The next programme is to train neck strength and balancing. Playing with ball. WeiSheng wants to be a baby that can lift up his head. Start swinging back!

Swinging Back! / 向后摇!
Swinging Back! / 向后摇!

Swing forward! 向前摇!

Swinging forward! / 向前摇!
Swinging forward! / 向前摇!

Swing Left. Swing till all the money comes out!!!

Swinging Left / 向左摇
Swinging Left / 向左摇

Looks like WeiSheng is going to fall. Better hold on to the blanket. Otherwise it would be a disaster. Weisheng is not married and the hospital’s sister has also not introduced her daughter to him yet.

Hold On Tight!!! / 抓紧点!!!
Hold On Tight!!! / 抓紧点!!!

Hold On Tight1!!! / 抓紧点1!!!
Hold On Tight1!!! / 抓紧点1!!!

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